Friday, August 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rooms and such...

        Spending times, lives, minds, laughs, getting to see your real creation in a certain project. We spend most of our time in a room that understands us. we can say hi and it hit the wall to say hi back. A room can tell so much about you and no one really knows what its all about except you. You hear on tv's that kids, teenagers, etc get discovered just by them getting themselves stuck in there own world and expressing true feelings and poetry. This is were we dream and daze off to a place of our own. Rooms can be judge by the way they are formed, colored, designed, but behind it all is something different. and Up there in the red is a person named isabella and she is my bestfriend. I can tell her anything, i really never knew that we are so alike.  Blog of the week, hope you like.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Beach

 Saturday, went to Huntington beach with the family and had a great time. The water seemed cold at first but then it soon began to drift. I miss going out with the family and spending it wisely. I was so afraid of dropping my camera in the sand because of my dad telling me the consequences if did so. I had a fun time seeing my nieces and nephews playing in the sand. Such as i mad a big whole with a fort surrounding it. I was very determine to make or build something worth while. It all ended with myself in a car driving home and left over with three sea shells. :) hope to blog soon again.